System messages

This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
System messages
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Current message text
apierror-changeauth-norequest (talk) (Translate) Failed to create change request.
apierror-changecontentmodel-cannot-convert (talk) (Translate) Could not convert $1 to content model <code>$2</code>
apierror-changecontentmodel-cannotbeused (talk) (Translate) Content model <code>$1</code> cannot be used on $2
apierror-changecontentmodel-missingtitle (talk) (Translate) The page you specified doesn't exist. To create a new page with a custom content model, use the <kbd>action=edit</kbd> module.
apierror-changecontentmodel-nodirectediting (talk) (Translate) Content model <code>$1</code> does not support direct editing
apierror-chunk-too-small (talk) (Translate) Minimum chunk size is $1 {{PLURAL:$1|byte|bytes}} for non-final chunks.
apierror-cidrtoobroad (talk) (Translate) $1 CIDR ranges broader than /$2 are not accepted.
apierror-compare-maintextrequired (talk) (Translate) Parameter <var>$1text-main</var> is required when <var>$1slots</var> contains <kbd>main</kbd> (cannot delete the main slot).
apierror-compare-no-title (talk) (Translate) Cannot pre-save transform without a title. Try specifying <var>fromtitle</var> or <var>totitle</var>.
apierror-compare-nofromrevision (talk) (Translate) No 'from' revision. Specify <var>fromrev</var>, <var>fromtitle</var>, or <var>fromid</var>.
apierror-compare-nosuchfromsection (talk) (Translate) There is no section $1 in the 'from' content.
apierror-compare-nosuchtosection (talk) (Translate) There is no section $1 in the 'to' content.
apierror-compare-notext (talk) (Translate) Parameter <var>$1</var> cannot be used without <var>$2</var>.
apierror-compare-notorevision (talk) (Translate) No 'to' revision. Specify <var>torev</var>, <var>totitle</var>, or <var>toid</var>.
apierror-compare-relative-to-deleted (talk) (Translate) Cannot use <kbd>torelative=$1</kbd> relative to a deleted revision.
apierror-compare-relative-to-nothing (talk) (Translate) No 'from' revision for <var>torelative</var> to be relative to.
apierror-concurrency-limit (talk) (Translate) A concurrency limit has been exceeded. Please wait for each request to return before submitting the next.
apierror-contentmodel-mismatch (talk) (Translate) The content you supplied has <kbd>$1</kbd> content model, which differs from the current content model of the page <kbd>$2</kbd>.
apierror-contentserializationexception (talk) (Translate) Content serialization failed: $1
apierror-contenttoobig (talk) (Translate) The content you supplied exceeds the article size limit of $1 {{PLURAL:$1|kibibyte|kibibytes}}.
apierror-copyuploadbaddomain (talk) (Translate) Uploads by URL are not allowed from this domain.
apierror-copyuploadbadurl (talk) (Translate) Upload not allowed from this URL.
apierror-create-titleexists (talk) (Translate) Existing titles can't be protected with <kbd>create</kbd>.
apierror-csp-report (talk) (Translate) Error processing CSP report: $1.
apierror-deletedrevs-param-not-1-2 (talk) (Translate) The <var>$1</var> parameter cannot be used in modes 1 or 2.
apierror-deletedrevs-param-not-3 (talk) (Translate) The <var>$1</var> parameter cannot be used in mode 3.
apierror-edit-invalidredirect (talk) (Translate) Cannot edit <kbd>$1</kbd> while following redirects, as target <kbd>$2</kbd> is not valid.
apierror-emptynewsection (talk) (Translate) Creating empty new sections is not possible.
apierror-emptypage (talk) (Translate) Creating new, empty pages is not allowed.
apierror-exceptioncaught (talk) (Translate) [$1] Exception caught: $2
apierror-exceptioncaughttype (talk) (Translate) [$1] Caught exception of type $2
apierror-filedoesnotexist (talk) (Translate) File does not exist.
apierror-fileexists-sharedrepo-perm (talk) (Translate) The target file exists on a shared repository. Use the <var>ignorewarnings</var> parameter to override it.
apierror-filenopath (talk) (Translate) Cannot get local file path.
apierror-filetypecannotberotated (talk) (Translate) File type cannot be rotated.
apierror-formatphp (talk) (Translate) This response cannot be represented using <kbd>format=php</kbd>. See
apierror-imageusage-badtitle (talk) (Translate) The title for <kbd>$1</kbd> must be a file.
apierror-import-unknownerror (talk) (Translate) Unknown error on import: $1.
apierror-integeroutofrange-abovebotmax (talk) (Translate) <var>$1</var> may not be over $2 (set to $3) for bots or sysops.
apierror-integeroutofrange-abovemax (talk) (Translate) <var>$1</var> may not be over $2 (set to $3) for users.
apierror-integeroutofrange-belowminimum (talk) (Translate) <var>$1</var> may not be less than $2 (set to $3).
apierror-invalid-chunk (talk) (Translate) Offset plus current chunk is greater than claimed file size.
apierror-invalid-file-key (talk) (Translate) Not a valid file key.
apierror-invalidcategory (talk) (Translate) The category name you entered is not valid.
apierror-invalidexpiry (talk) (Translate) Invalid expiry time "$1".
apierror-invalidiprange (talk) (Translate) Invalid CIDR range "$1".
apierror-invalidlang (talk) (Translate) Invalid language code for parameter <var>$1</var>.
apierror-invalidmethod (talk) (Translate) Invalid HTTP method. Consider using GET or POST.
apierror-invalidoldimage (talk) (Translate) The <var>oldimage</var> parameter has an invalid format.
apierror-invalidparammix (talk) (Translate) The {{PLURAL:$2|parameters}} $1 can not be used together.
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